March 8, 2007

Andrew Sullivan On the Word "Faggot"

Did you know that Ann Coulter is "pro-gay"? You didn’t? Me neither. That’s what she says, though. As Andrew Sullivan writes

Why would gays care? She is "pro-gay," after all. Apart from backing a party that wants to strip gay couples of all legal rights by amending the federal constitution, kick them out of the military where they are putting their lives on the line, put them into "reparative therapy" to "cure" them, keep it legal to fire them in many states, and refusing to include them in hate crime laws, Coulter is very pro-gay. As evidence of how pro-gay she is, check out all the gay men and women in America now defending her.
Go read his article.
A gay man's reaction to an evil act by an evil woman.

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