February 1, 2007

Take The They Might Be Giants Haiku Challenge

They Might Be Giants want you to write poetry, Japanese poetry at that, three line Japanese poetry in fact!

From TMBG's MySpace:

We want to invite our myspace friends to join the "They Might Be Giants Haiku Challenge" and write your comments in haiku-the wonderful traditional Japanese poetry form! The structure is simple-two phrases written over three lines, with the "break" after the first or second line. There are five syllables to the first and third lines, seven in the middle line. No rhyming necessary. As far as content-culture, politics, human relations-it's all available to you, but please nothing obscene. Thanks!

If you really want to dig in to it check out the haiku wiki
Go to their MySpace, leave your haiku comment on their comment space, and make your mark on online poetic history. Here are some early example of the prowess of TMBG-friendly haiku writers (courtesy of the TMBG mailing list):
The windshield reflects
your face, driving me crazy
metro busdriver.

Whatever happened
to Ace of Base, they were the
Best ten years ago.

don't even go there...
you better check yourself girl...
Oh no you didn't!

the demon ipod
feeds on crushed spirits of men
steve jobs eats babies

They Might Be Giants
Better than fresh bologna
El Chupacabra
Think you can beat these? Step up to the plate, and if you feel you've got an absolute crusher, share it here too.

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